October 18, 2008

Rinse, Lather, Repeat

Thailand makes one thing very easy for me- being happy. I get to wake up every day and pretty much do whatever I want. I was just looking through photos from last year around this time and I'm doing pretty much the same things, taking Thai language classes and climbing (or ziplining as this photo would indicate) . As far as the Thai class, this class was the 4th level class so you would think that I would be getting pretty good. I would say I'm definitely getting better, but I've got so far to go. I love the reading and the writing so I keep focussing on that. There is nothing I love more than watching a really bad American movie and trying to see if I can read the subtitles in Thai at the bottom. I'm at about 30-40% right now, but that is much better than my 20% from last year. As far as speaking, that hasn't improved much, but my listening is good enough that Thai people can't gossip about my hair without me knowing about it.

As far as the climbing, I'm trying to go about 5 days a week. I've had some far off goal of climbing 5.12 ever since I was probably 15, and I think this is going to be the year. I'm getting cut up, freaked out, and exhausted every time I go out, but I keep asking for more. Pui has also been out climbing a lot more. She red pointed a 5.10b a few weeks back that has been her nemisis for the last two years.

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