October 20, 2008

One More Time

Back in my college days it seemed like I was moving around all the time. An average year would start with me living in one apartment, moving home for the summer and then going back and finding another apartment in the fall. After I became a homeowner, I was kind of hoping these days of moving were behind me. So I find it a little exasperating that I've ended up in occupying 5 different residences in 2008. Pui and I just lost the sublease on the 'greatest place ever' and had to start apartment hunting. It's also funny that every time I move, I end up going through all the crap I own and getting rid of about 1/2 of it. Which means by now, I should only have about 10% of my original belongings. For some reason though it keeps getting worse instead of better.

So the new place is much nicer than the last one, 3 bedrooms, washer/dryer, entertainment room, patio, a stream in the back yard. I haven't shot a video of it yet, but I will soon. Until then, here is a photo album. It's got some really weird extra stuff. Imagine if you had money to do any crazy thing you wanted to do to pimp out your house - this is that place. A good example is my office. It has this 200lb. pocket door that when you slide it closed, 16 black fluorescent lights that are mounted in the floor come on automatically. You can also toggle it so the lights come on when it's open and off when it's closed. Who would ever do such a crazy ass thing? Every room is wired for surround sound through a central amp. These are the kinds of superfluous amenities that I'm trying to escape in America. It's so ironic that I ended up in a place that has them.

Anyways, the place is pretty sweet, the location isn't quite as good. We ended up buying a motorcycle for Pui so she could get back and forth to work. If the economy ever turns around in America, we might try to buy the last house we were in so I can cut my number of residences back down to two.

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