October 07, 2008

The Lawsuits We Would Have

Now and again I'll see things that are so incredibly negligent. Today I was driving the motorcycle on one of the major highways - 6 lanes. Up ahead there was a road crew putting in a telephone pole. Instead of blocking off a couple of lanes to do the work (like they might do for a wedding), they suspended the concrete telephone pole right across all three lanes of the side they were working on. The crane holding the pole up was using some kind of hemp looking rope that didn't look like it could support a kite, let alone a 2 ton concrete structure; the workers looked like got a job from the temp agency that morning. So anyways, usually in these situations you want to get through it as soon as possible; which in this case means hitting the accelerator and getting to the other side. Just as I started to drive under it, one of the workers dropped a bolt the size of a baby's arm about 2 feet off the left side of my bike. Driving at 50mph, this entry just about didn't make it into this blog.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Josh - What, no picture of this? Your entries take me back 13 years to when Brian and I lived in Thailand. I love reading your stories! This entry reminds me of one time when we were getting gas in Mahasarakham and the attendant was filling us up while holding a cigarette!

The Tetons have their first major snow and they look magnificent this morning.

BTW - this is Julie Tanabe