October 06, 2008

Domestic Disturbance

As many of you know, there are few things that get under my skin as much as a spiders- particularly ones residing in my house. So it was to my particular chagrin when I came home to find a palm sized one hanging out next to our dish drainer. There are few times that I have a hard time living the Buddhist lifestyle as much as when I am forced to follow the rule "Thou Shalt Not Kill Spiders". Of course it would probably be easiest to just ignore that I ever saw the thing and move on. However, just the thought of that thing coming out from a dark corner when I least expect it, well, it's just too much.

So the next 1/2 hour would be spent trying to trap lightning in a bottle, without touching it of course. The whole thing got a lot more complicated when it escaped into the underside of the cupboard that holds all the coffee cups (it has a slotted bottom to allow them to dry). After covering up the slots with a cutting board, I went through the most terrifying task of lifting each coffee cup, one by one, bit by bit, hoping against hope that the giant spider wouldn't be faster at getting out of the cup, than I would be at slamming it back down.

Not even close. A scream, a dropped cutting board, a broken cup later- the spider dropped down into the sink. What was so interesting was that the little monster couldn't pull itself out. It looked exactly like the little spiders that you find in your bath tub. I was able to eventually put a plastic bucket over the top of him and ferry him over to my neighbors yard. I only captured a little of it on video, but I feel like it shows the drama of looking for the spider pretty well.

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