November 03, 2007

The Big Surprise

So for those of you haven't heard of my elaborate plans to surprise my girlfriend, here is the short version. Pui thought I was going to come back to Thailand about a week later than I was. I told her my incorrect return date back in May, so I've had pretty much the entire summer to lay out the deception. The basic idea evolved into having some of my friends in Chiang Mai invite her out for dinner. In a disguise, I would be introduced as their friend from Canada, Jean Paul. The disguise consisted of me growing out my beard, dying it with some pretty nasty dye (which I would end up falling asleep with), and then shaving in a 'hero' design. In addition I had my barber, Jenny Budge, (from back when I had hair) give my favorite wig a haircut to make it believably bad. After a donation of Blu-Blocker sunglasses from my brother and a padded jacket/fat suit, Jean Paul was born.

The average friend thought I would last about 10 seconds before she recognized me. For all those naysayers, I would like to present the video! (all 2 minutes of it)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good stuff, Mill. You look more like a bad porn star than Jean Paul from Canada.